How to step out of the shadows and make an impact – even as an introvert, empath or highly sensitive person
Hi, I’m Jen,
Thanks for taking the time to check me out!
I grew up with a BIG fear of visibility and being judged.
Maybe you can relate?
As an introvert, empath and HSP I’ve always liked keeping a low profile and going under the radar. As an employee I loved helping others to shine – from a safe distance 🙂
Since setting up my business I’ve had to learn how to step out of the shadows and embrace the online world. And you know what… it wasn’t that scary at all.
If I can do it – so can you! Maybe you can relate to my journey…
When I was 3, my mother was diagnosed with bipolar and I was constantly afraid my friends would mock her and me for being different. At ten, I was gifted my first typewriter and spent hours typing letters to pen pals dotted around the globe. I lived a lot in my head.
My first job after graduating was an Editors Assistant in a tiny cubicle looking out to sea in Dublin with no people around me and this suited me perfectly.
After a year exploring Australia in my mid 20s I moved to London. I knew it was a no brainer career wise to be on LinkedIn but I had massive imposter syndrome and was really intimidated by the notion of tooting my horn *cringe*.
What do you do when you’re fearful of something? You learn about it.
I started studying a social media diploma and surprised myself by falling in love with the online world. I could show up authentically without leaving the house.
I raised my profile and became known among my peers and even entered my first award at the age of 40 to spite an old boss 😉 And I won!
Life often has a way of giving us a gentle, or in my case, a painful nudge toward taking action and realising our true purpose. In 2013, I slipped a disc in my back.
Forced to step away from my successful career, it was time to follow my intuition and true calling as a connector. I love nothing more than revamping your LinkedIn profile so it matches the quality of your services and attracts higher-paying clients.
I’ve helped over 700 amazing women to date showcase how brilliant they are so that they can reach their ideal clients through their LinkedIn network.
When not working you’ll find me exploring South Devon by the sea with my husband Mike, getting a good massage or binging on a good tv series.
If you’re ready to stop being a best kept secret, head to my contact page and book in a free call with me. Everything starts with a simple connection.
You need to be brave to be in business and when it comes to LinkedIn – I’ve got you!
“Connection is the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.” Brené Brown
5 Things I Stand For:
- Honesty – open and honest is the only way to be. Lead with vulnerability. Being upfront about challenges is the catalyst for positive change.
- Accessibility – Anyone can be part of this. Whether you’re a LinkedIn newbie, a cynic or life long introvert. I adapt to what feels right for you. We all belong on LinkedIn. “Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion is being asked to dance.” –Verna Myers (Netflix) I’m inviting you to dance on LinkedIn.
- Connection – I champion the power of connection and joining dots in our networks to build lasting relationships. Humans first, technology second. Social interaction and how to be part of the conversation can be learnt.
- Kindness – begin with kindness. It enables learning and opens our minds to new ways of doing things. Generosity without expectations then pass it on. Feels good huh?
- Simplicity – Leonardo Da Vinci said “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” he wasn’t wrong. I love making things simple so you can relax, progress and build genuine business momentum. Your way.
Charities and Sustainability

I’m working on offsetting my carbon footprint by funding climate projects and planting trees where they’re most needed with Treeapp.