LinkedIn 2021 Round Up Blog

  Happy New Year Folks! There were a LOT of changes on LinkedIn in 2021 so I thought I would give you a detailed round-up to date. You may want to print off this blog.  Stick the kettle on, grab a cuppa and let’s go!     January 2021 Products Tab: Back in January a…

LinkedIn 2020 Round Up

2020 was a year of change for us all including LinkedIn who had a makeover. According to Hootsuite: LinkedIn saw a 55% increase in conversations among connections in 2020. Content creation on LinkedIn increased by 60% in 2020. LinkedIn Live streams increased by 437% in 2020. It’s clear that as humans we were / are…

Is Your LinkedIn Company Page working for you?

During a recent client 121 strategy session I was asked whether it was better to have no LinkedIn company page or an inactive one.  I was resolute in my answer that having an inactive one was far better than none at all.   For me there are 2 main reasons to have a company page:…