Steph Stevens testimonial

Before I joined Jen’s Academy, I had no idea how to optimize LinkedIn to grow my business at all. My LinkedIn profile was basic and not doing me any favours and I didn’t really ‘get it’. I thought it was corporate and stuffy and didn’t spend much time on it. Since working with Jen, I View Full →

April Rehrig Testimonial

Wow! Jen is the LinkedIn guru if you want to build your profile and network!!! Before I worked with Jen, I had NO idea how to navigate LinkedIn or how to revamp my profile. Jen did the complete work up on my personal and company page. She held my hand, coaching me through the entire View Full →

What Jennifer doesn’t know about how to toot your horn on LinkedIn isn’t worth knowing. Packing such a wealth of expertise into a single LinkedIn masterclass for Exeter MBA students is no small ask. Jennifer of course excelled, delivering a skilful, dynamic, and inspiring insight into the mysteries of LinkedIn, full of actionable and impactful View Full →

I feel excited about using LinkedIn again after months of inertia. Jennifer gave me so many tips on how to improve my profile, she definitely gives value for money.

Jennifer promises to help you create a profile that you’re proud of and she certainly does this! I’m happy to admit that I am really proud of the professional profile I now have. I already had an All-star profile at the outset, yet I still learned a number of really useful tips and tricks that View Full →

What I like most about Jen’s service is that she goes the extra mile, raising my awareness of small but significant changes that I could make early on to change the outcome of my visibility and access on LinkedIn.  I always say, the best people to work with are those that are passionate about what View Full →

Jennifer is THE person to go to learn about LinkedIn and, most importantly, optimize your LinkedIn profile. She has given me so many strategies for enhancing my LinkedIn profile, reaching out to the right connections, and growing my network — all in a totally authentic way that feels good. I can’t recommend her highly enough. View Full →

My LinkedIn profile was a little haphazard before and now it’s so much more clear and focused.   This platform has a huge amount of features I never knew existed never mind maximised. I highly recommend this audit, even if you think your profile is good – you will learn so much and finally stand View Full →

If you’re looking to build confidence on LinkedIn and develop an effective strategy then look no further. Jennifer has provided invaluable advice to my colleagues and I in a friendly group training session which broke down barriers and gave individuals the confidence to use the platform in a way that worked for them. Jennifer provides View Full →

I realised that there was lots I didn’t know about the functionality and key purposes of your profile page such as the ability to upload media and how best to put your summary together. I could put Jennifer’s recommendations into action immediately. I feel much more confident that my Profile now represents who I truly View Full →